Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sebenarnya, Aqeel Haziq dh terbiasa tengok nurse n doc sbb sepanjang cuti ataupun boleh dikatakan sejak Abah Tok sakit dan berulang ke Hospital Balik Pulau, GH Penang & Taiping; Aqeel melawat n merawat Abah Tok sama.tambah2 bila Mama cuti sekolah, Aqeel dtg hosp setiap hari..dan menjerit2 tanda protes bila tak dpt merangkak sana sini..tapi gelak mengekek2 bila dapat main kepala paip ataupun remote control dkt katil hosp itu..Abah Tok kata dia nk beli katil dgn remote jgk ade surgical bed dkt umah..boleh naik turun tekan remote je kan..
Orait, back to the story..Berat cuma naik 400g dr 2bln lps.8.6kg dia meninggi dan menyebabkan BMI kurang cantik.nurse bagitau jgn risau sbb dia,mak tok kata macam budak tadika..Nurse yg check Aqeel tu dh kenal dgn Mama n Aqeel sbb masa dlm pantang dia yg dtg umah.Lepas tu, Aqeel jd tumpuan ramai sbb parut BCG takde..So, Aqeel kena ulang semula cucuk BCG..Habis sorang2 nurse dtg check n confirmkan.
29hb DEC..pagi2 lg Mama dh kejutkan Aqeel Haziq sbb nak pergi klinik..pakaikn baju sleeveless sbb nnt senang nurse nk inject.Mama suruh Papa yg pegang sbb rasa tak sanggup nk tengok tp rupanya Papa lagi tak sanggup nak tengok..aiseh..nurse suruh Mama bedungkan budak tadika ni..Bedung dgn kain selimut yg tebal supaya dia tak meronta. tapi, raja air mata ni, belum pun kena inject dh melalak..huuhuu..berlakon btol la awak ni Aqeel..inject BCG ni susah sbb jarum perlu berada dibwh kulit.kalau inject yg biasa2 tu just inject masuk isi daging kn..Nurse pun susah bila baby melalak sbb tak boleh tergopoh2 nnt tak jd parut.Bila dh selesai, Mama dokong n suis air mata tu trus stop.Maknanya menangis bkn sbb sakit tp sbb rimas kena bedung tu..So, skrg kna duduk dlm umah tak boleh kna panas..
Thursday, December 10, 2009
::few days without Papa::
I think now I can cope with the situation.but sometimes still out of control.Alhamdulillah,I'm at kampung with my eldest sister n nieces,SIL nephew,of course my parents and in law 's family.They give me strength to handle my little baby so called as Anak Papa..We'v never been apart before and sometimes I feel hard bcoz Papa is da one who helped me a lot when he's at home..I depend on him a lot..I know I'v to learn to be independent but I just cant...*ngade2 skit*..counting the days to see Papa again...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
::10mos baby::
hensem la anak papa mama kalo nanges2 tak hensem langsung...
Day 2 without Papa;
1)bangun tido saje nangis
2)tak nampak kelibat mama nangis
3)makan pun sikit
4)asyik2 mengomel papapapapapa..
5)saradyna tersentuh skit nangis..sensitip tul ank teruna papa nih..
6)pandai sgt mintak nak kluar?how?duduk dkt tepi door grill n mintak dokong..
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
::He's growing up::
Oh, at first I'm a bit worry when his development is 9mos he juz started to crawl but i do believe that every baby has own milestones and develops at his own pace.Not to worry because the time will come for them..But, I will feel worry when I heard other babies are more advanced than my baby. It's natural to worry right. At the age of 6mos and above, baby development on physical or speech are vary from others. I'm interested to talk about this when I read the entry from Ila-Mummy Aqil Khalish on "cepatnye,on time,lambatnye"..
I didnt want to comment about others.This is all about me..
What did I feel when my son show his first attempt to roll from his back to front?
Of course I was happy at that time and feel proud because he can do it. More proud becoz I was the first person saw it!!..I believe all Mommies are proud with their child development right.
What did I feel when the nurses ask whether my baby can sit on his own, crawling during monthly checkup (8mos)?
I felt soooooooo worry bcoz my baby canNOT do all the actions at 8mos.He juz starting to do 'combat' crawl at 8mos becoz before that his mode of transportation is roll over and over. I hate to compare my baby with other babies and I also hate when ppl compare my baby. I know my baby well.
As I am concern about my baby, I learn and search bout more info on baby milestones and development (actually i'v learn bout it during my study on Child Language Acquisition) and that's why I believe that all babies do have their own milestones. The timeline is a general guide. I do believe if my baby doesnt follow the milestones chart maybe he is trying his best to focus on certain skill. Moreover, mommies know her child well so we can detect any abnormality and do not hesitate to see for doctor's advice rather than comparing your babies with other.
p/s I got this useful advice from hubby's friend. When I told him dat Aqeel Haziq didnt crawl yet, he told me dat Aqeel may skip the skill. He reminded us, if Aqeel skip the skill of crawling, we have to teach him crawl eventhough he has walk. It is because every steps n skills that babies learn it will connect the nerves in their brain. So, we have to help them.
That's all folks...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

budak kena kurung dalam jump jump...

saya kemas rumah skit2 je arini..sbb bila saya kemas si tecik ni tolong 'kemas' lg..bila saya kurung dia dlm jump jump or exersaucer dia,laungan dia satu taman boleh dengar...bila dia dgr suara akak2 dia kt sebelah,laju je dia dh berdiri di gril pintu dgn harapan 'oiii org sebelah...kluarla amik aQeel haziQ ni'..pagi tadi pun dia buat macam tu sampai kakak2 dtg umah dan main dgn dia..bukan main lebar senyuman dia seolah-olah 'akhirnya aQeel HaziQ berjaya ajak mereka dtg main' yg selama ni depan mata dia tak heran pun tp bila akak2 main,dia pun nyibuk jgk nk main..akak2 kusyuk tgk katun,dia pun menempek dpn tv..jd sempatla Mama membasuh CD dan mandi manda..lepas tu dia mula keboringan dan mengantuk..'nak nenen Mama'...sempatla tido 30min dlm buai kejap dan mama mengemas..dan bila dia bangun,dia tolong kemas semula..Mama salin CD yg dh basah tu tp blum sempat pakai seluar dia dh mencecet ke pintu sbb dgr suara kakak2 yg baru blk dr shop..MamaAwe panggil2 dia lgla terjerit2 'nak kluar,nak kluar'...(paham2 jela aqeel haziq cakap bhs german)..skrg dia dkt umah seblah la..smpat mama type entry utk post ini..hehehe..Mama masak bubur nasi untuk dia,membasuh baju,melipat baju..macam2la..semangatnye buat keje..sbb sebentar lg al-habibi nk pulang n bwk kami berdua ke One Utama...:)
psst..boringkn entry tak bergambar..takpe nnt cikct upload..blom pandai nk download gmbr dr smartphone ni ke PC..tak abih menuntut lg..

;;sambungan cerita pagi ini;;
kami gerak ke OU lps luch di Bkt Sentosa..JJday 2 hari je di OU..ramai btol org.alhamdulillah rezeki aQeel Haziq kami dpt parking dkt dgn entrance..ramai btul org.masuk2 je Mama nmpk org memborong MamiPoko..normal price rm51 (tgk kt Giant KD), tp kt OU semalam rm41..patutla giler2 org Mama tak join la.Papa shopping dgn aQeel while Mama alone..Papa tgh cari kasut n Mama cari baju..But in the end, Mama chose only 1 blouse..tak suke org ramai sgt jd tak selesa nak memilih..tambah2 bila time happy hour..Papa kata macam pasar malam je..aQeel plak steady je tgk org ramai tu..suka la sbb kena dokong, cuba letak dlm stroller..huhu..asyik nak turun last,the stroller become a trolley..haha...
dah dapat kasut Papa n blouse Mama,kami pegi cari baju2 basahan for this boboy..okla harga2 pun murah2..baju nk pakai hari2 rm10 sepasang..Mama ingak nk jugak grab kiko ke tp Papa kata kalo baju2 jalan cari kt mothercare la..oh,terjumpa dgn aunty shushu dkt ctu..nak cari brg utk kakak Ticha & adik Aqeel..nmpk aunty shushu borong necktie utk uncle Lan..:) Papa aQeel Haziq tak pakai tie pegi opis..:) aunty shushu, nmpk kurus la sejak lepas raya eik??
lepas tu Mama Papa pegi solat Asar. jalan2 lg pegi beli kebab dulu..kemudian pegi mothercare beli nipple shield..aunty shushu suggest sbb aQeel HaziQ suka mengeget..then, Papa nk sambung shopping cari winter coat..oh preparation nak pegi Jepun next week.mula2 kami pegi Universal Traveller dulu survey then pegi Winter Time..akhirnya beli dkt UT sbb dkt WT sgt takde sale..aQeel HaziQ plak sronok sgt main car n aeroplane yg goyang2 tu..hihii...takmau turun plak tu.geram mama..

kami sambung shopping kat Giant KD..beli barang dapur sikit sbb Mama Papa tak sanggup bersesak2 nk beli biskut kt JJ tu plus hrganye berbeza..heaven tul pegi Giant time weekdays..takde org la..parking pun senang...aQeel HaziQ plak tido saje sampai la Mama Papa selesai solat Maghrib dkt ctu.
Kemudian,kami balik ke BS, pergi klinik sbb nmpk mata kanan budak tecik ni merah.doc kata maybe allergic..lepas dinner kami pun balik rumah..
Friday, November 20, 2009
::aQeel, anak lananG::
jap,jap..nampak benda bulat nih ape...
akhirnya Mama Papa tak payah tengok tV...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
::Anakku Ceria Give-away Contest::

1. Be a follower of -CHECKED
2. Be a follower of - CHECKED
3. Put entry contest in your blog (sticky mode entry ya!) dengan gelagat anak anda yang paling ceria. -CHECKED
4. Copy the contest banner into the blog entry with the contest link in your entry -CHECKED
5. Place the Contest banner in your sidebar with link back to the contest entry (no link back will be disqualified) -CHECKED
8. Leave a comment on this post (Anakku Ceria Give away Contest) for me to pick up the winner. -CHECKED
1.Terbuka kepada ibubapa yang mempunyai anak/anak sedara/ di bawah usia 24 bulan. -YES,Aqeel is 9months
2. Satu contestant 1 entry sahaja -YES
3. Contest bermula dari 22 October 2009 sehingga 22 November Nov 2009 -ada byk masa lg
4. Proses pemilihan pemenang akan dilakukan oleh juri-juri yang dilantik oleh penganjur. -OK
4.Gambar pemenang akan dipamerkan di blog penganjur -OK
5.Proses pemilihan pemenang oleh juri adalah muktamad -OK
berseronok di Taman Tasik Taiping
Monday, November 9, 2009
::Mama Papa, aQeel dh pandai::
i) still learning to crawl
ii) but he can stand up by holding something
iii)master of combat crawl
iv)say Mama, Papa
v)sometimes imitate Papa or Mama words.(accidentally I guess)
vi)have teeth .(2 on his lower gum)
still maintain as a breastfeed baby & Mama is his milkbar since day 1 until 9months..
Saturday, November 7, 2009
::mamam nasi::
Aqeel Haziq takmo bubur nasi yg berair dia nak nasi lembik saje..letak ikan bilis, kentang, ayam skit..lps tu Mama lenyek2 aje..dia tak suka bayam..kalo letak bayam adoi lambat la nk abih wanna share some recipes with Mummy Leen..mak Eva nun jauh duk kat Paris...
Nasi Ikan Bilis;
beras segenggam
potato - slices
ikan bilis - as flavour
carrot - slices
air - utk merebus
sayur tu optional. boleh try brocolli, spinach, sweet potato pun boleh.
ikan bilis pun boleh ganti dgn ikan tenggiri. kalo kat Paris, ikan Salmon la kut.:)
dah basuh bersih, rebus semua dalam periuk sampai masak. Then, lenyek masa tgh panas tu. Ini resepi yg plg cepat la..paling ringkas pun letak je ikan bilis dgn potato.
Nasi Ayam
Masak sup ayam cam biasa. (Ayam,potato,carrot,ikan bilis as flavour)
Lepas itu lenyekkan nasi dgn sup ayam.
Nasi tabur ikan bilis
yg ini instant la
goreng ikan bilis tanpa minyak.
then, tumbuk or blend kering jd serbuk ikan bilis.(goreng banyak boleh simpan wat stok)
bila nak makan, tabur je serbuk ikan bilis tu dalam nasi lembik. sesuai kalo pi travel..
we can also introduce cheese for our 8months baby. for more info you can read here: baby eat cheese.
I juz sprinkle mozarella cheese on his porridge and he likes it..
ok,selamat mencuba ye Leen..
Friday, November 6, 2009
::dedicated to ShuLan::
rupa Spectra 3 dgn Dual Pumping
Bila ct pakai Spectra 3?
>Ct mula pakai Spectra 3 end of April 2009.. beli dgn kawan Mrs.June Fahmi.
>shushu, ct pakai Spectra 3 kat rumah saje SEBAB kalo travel ct bawak AVENT manual pump..(I like Avent most)
>mudah nk dipasang
..pasang tiub pada breastshield saje..pastikan membrane (benda 'cinonet' yg kaler putih) tu dh dipasang pd valve head (yg kaler biru tu). kalo nk pakai botol wide neck pasangkan wide cap (kaler putih tu) pd breast shield tu..
>boleh buat DOUBLE pumping
...5minit dpt 8oz..
>senang nak dicuci
>boleh convert utk pakai pada wide neck bottle mcm Avent..
>adjustable suction
>so far baru sekali ade problem; maybe ct tersalah teknik lalu susu yg dipam termasuk dlm tube n main body..ralit tgk tivi berjaya dibaiki oleh E.E (Encik Engineer) kat umah..
Where to buy?
boleh dapatkan from online store mcm mybbstore, babyjaya
atau pegi je kedai babyjaya kat Damansara Utama PJ. senang nnt ade problem boleh refer trus kt situ..
tp shu, ct tgk mybbstore ade offer..RM338.00. normal price RM388.. price yg ct bgtau ni adelah utk Spectra 3 basic je tau..maknanye takde optional breastshield kit utk convert from single to double pumping ataupun backpack, or ice pack ok..
kalau shu nk yg one set package with backpack,icepack,storage bottles special for travelling can look here at Mama&BabyCollection, Mia-Za-Riel..
Alright, that's all...Hopefully,this info can help u...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
::teeth not tooth::
Yesterday, during Aqeel Haziq's shower time, as usual Mama will rub his gum n his new tooth...n suprisingly, I found something hard beside his's this dear.....It's another tooth and now we can say, Aqeel Haziq got teeth...hehehe.....
::cute baby with CD contest::
Now, I'm 8 months younG. I'm a part time CD user because I use it when I'm at home. I have no problem on nappy rashes since using CD..I like it because it is colourful..TQ to mama n papa for buying me CD..
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
::I'm concerned, YES.::
This is newsletter from BabyWeekly...Sometimes i feel worry coz Aqeel Haziq doesnt crawl n cant sit on his own yet..but, i believe, all babies are differ right..maybe he wont crawl but he will stand..let's check his milestones @ 8 months:
1) got a tooth
2)combat crawl
3)clapping hands
4)climb his mattress
5)say mamamama, papapapa, babababa
He is trying to....
1)pull up while holding something
He is eating...
1)Breastmilk 4oz x 3btls from 7a.m - 5 p.m.
2)porridge with chicken,carrot or potato
3)bread with milk
4)oat n fruits
5)'nestle' rice n vegetables
but he hates eating fruit pudding by Heinz..(save money)
doesnt like Farley Rusks anymore but can consider on Tiger biscuits...(hehehe)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
::itu bukan ruam::
Friday, October 23, 2009
::tomei dpt ruam::
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
::Tooth Fairy has come::
Monday, October 12, 2009
::my hero is 8months younG::
Our little caliph is 8 months younG guys..a big Boy already but soooooo manja..baru pandai creep on the floor..sgt len dh crawl ,sit n stand la sayang...takpe..slow n steady sebenarnye dia control macho sbb dpn org sgt behave tp bile bertiga je dgn Mama Papa ooooooo sgt manja..kalo boleh setiap masa dia nak kami berkepit dgn dia sama2..semua babies macam tu kn..bijak bijak...sempena 8 bulan Papa belikan new toy utk aQeel Haziq...Fisher Price Gobble & Go Hippo...blum buleh naik btul tp dia cuma main tolak2 n da blocks..nnt mama amik pic dia main dgn si badak air tu ye...
Gelagat Aqeel HaziQ
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
::@Si Comel Berbaju Raya Contest::
Fasa 1:23 September - 15 Oktober 2009 hantar penyertaan.
Fasa 2: 16 Oktober - 31 Oktober 2009 Top Ten akan dipilih berdasarkan undian.
Kawan2 Aqeel HaziQ mari kite meriahkan contest ini kerana hadiah-hadiah yg menarik ditaja oleh
Nak tau hadiahnya??pi la jenguk 'rumah' ibu Ammar.
Jom check syarat2nye;
i) jd follower babyibu - checked
ii)letak banner dkt sidebar n link to the blog - checked
iii)entri tentang contest ni - checked
iv)upload 1 gambar berbaju raya (baju melayu/kurung saje) - checked
v)nama baby & umurnya - checked
vi)mention link babyibu dan sponsor - checked
vii)tinggalkan link entri dkt entri ini.
Jadi, Mama nk letak gambar yg ni lg sekali..:)
Aqeel Haziq posing ala Dato'Onn kata Papa.
Nama penuh saya ialah Aqeel Haziq b. Mohamad Hirzan
Saya berumur 7 bulan 3 minggu
Jom kawan2 kite pergi beraya.....
Saturday, September 26, 2009
::Syawal 1430::
Aqeel Haziq sedang tidur..
Friday, September 18, 2009
::Pocoyo Contest::
1.Become a follower of their blog and leave a comment to let them know -checked
2.Blog about this giveaway and describe your child in 5 words and elaborate them (English/Bahasa).Then leave a comment with the link to the post on this giveaway entry.Open to boys and girls.- checked
3.Sent ONE cutest style with SNOW CAP - checked
4.Age:Newborn-6 Years Old,only ONE child. - of course 1
5.Copy paste the sticky mode and put it on the side bar. -checked
aQeel HaziQ
i. adorable - see the smile on his face..make Mama n Papa love him sooooo much.
ii. friendly - yes, for this moment, he likes everybody..tak kesah dgn siapa pun janji ramai org n nk dukung
iii. cute - how to put in words so that Mama is not 'perasan'..but the truth is he is CUTE.
iv. playful - yes, he can play with his Papa until 12 midnight..Give him anything n he can play with it.
v. happy - a very happy baby who loves to smile.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
::2009 Cute Baby In Stroller/Pram Contest::
actually, this is the first contest for aQeel HaziQ...who knows if we've luck during this Hari Raya are the rules & regulations:
1. be the follower of mummyameer - CHECKED
2. Sila add dan link kan banner di sebelah pada sidebar. -CHECKED
3. Buat special entry utk contest ini dan sertakan sekali sekeping gambar baby/toddler di dalam prams ataupun stroller anda. -CHECKED
4. Link kn blog mummyameer. -CHECKED
Hi friends....
About the photo::
This is our little hero with his red sweater in his was during our trip to Cameron Highlands on July 4 - 5 in conjunction with Mama & Papa 1st wedding anniversary.. The pic was taken right after arrival at Century Pines Hotel&Resort..
After had a long journey, aQeel HaziQ still can throw the cutest smile to Mama & Papa..Mama knew that it was a sign that told 'I'm fine Mama Papa n I'm ready to explore the world'...
About the stroller::
We bought it @ MyDear Warehouse,Puchong..Why did we choose it?
i)Firstly, the size can fit into Mama's myV. (most of parents will consider this right)
ii)Secondly, the cushion n canopy can be reversed for newborn baby and we were satisfied when we put our newborn in there.
iii)thirdly, we like green..
alright, that's all i think..
::our bundle of joy::
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
::the cikabonet gang::
Saradyna al-Hafsah n aQeel HaziQ
Sara jangan la kaco
Sara cenyum comel
::the Triplet::
from left: Azfar Zafri, Aqeel Haziq, Danish Wafiq
Zafri: aQeel HaziQ ape jambul kt kepala ni??
aQeel HaziQ: Zafri, kakimu ini boleh tak ketepi skit??
WafiQ: Mummy, saya takut dibuli aQeel HaziQ yg bambam ni.
ini kembar tiga??
haish,depa ni buli aku ni..
aQeel HaziQ dpt jumpa kawan takmo tido2 langsung..rutin biasa dia akn tido selepas Maghrib tp sbb duk bergolek dgn kawan2 je smpai pukul 9:30 slps sume org pulang baru dia nk tido...anyway, happy sangat dpt jumpe Mummy June..(kwn baru Mama) n Awin (schoolmate Mama)..see,sibuk dgn anak2 gmbar dgn Mama2 tak amik...huhuhu....
Friday, August 28, 2009
::bila anak demam, nak buat apa?::
i) sentiasa cek suhu badan.(Mama pakai forehead termometer)
ii) letak koolfever pd dahi atau slalu basahkan kepala baby. tutup dgn kain basah
iii) pastikan baju dia selesa
iv) Mama tak penah selimut..kcuali pakai stokin.
v) letak vicks pd dada,tapak kaki sbb selsema.
vi)Mama try ltk daun herb ni..namanya Karipulin..kinda mint leaves..mcm peppermint pun ade..mama ltk vicks pd daun tu n layur kt api..pastu dh suam2 leh tmpal pd dada n blkg..ini petua dr org india..daun ni mmg bagus utk ubat batuk n selsema..
vii)Makan ubat ikut aturan.
ada ape2 lg nasihat tak ibu2 sekalian??
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Mama jumpa Dr.Kelly cari info tentang bekalan (susu) Aqeel Haziq..and found this article;
Fenugreek Seed for Increasing Milk Supply. Fenugreek ni sejenis herb kalau nama Melayu dia HALBA kn.selalu buh dlm masakan..ia bukan ubat untuk merawat atau mencegah apa2 penyakit cuma sebagai makanan tambahan.sama macam soya melilea yang Mama minum, mama tanya pakcik google Malaysia..jumpa la fenugreek capsules kt kedai ni..trus mama beli...nk cuba apa salahnye kn..sebelum beli tu Mama dh tanya pd tuan kedai Hanisah tentang side effect herb ni sbb Mama baca Dr. Kelly bgtau ade effect pd org asthma..nisa bgtau Mama leh try dos skit dlu n kalo ade mild simptom of asthma Mama should stop consuming dat capsule..actually, boleh je masukkan halba dlm masakan TAPI....besar tapi tu kan..paham2 jela...kapsul ni lg senang...
so...will update later...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
::Ramadhan dgn Aqeel Haziq::
huhu..jd mlm mmg kna mkn n minum Mama tak mkn byk sbb dh keletihan kerja seharian..biasanya Mama akn tertido kepenatan I said before, susu soya Melilea tu byk membantu..menambah tenaga n juga kan susu Mama mmg dh tak meriah cam dulu2 (4months ago),susu Mama mmg cukup2 utk Aqeel Haziq wat bekal hari esok..bila pose, susu jd kurang pekat..Mama tukar jadual mengepam..once lps sahur, tghari (mesti sbb blk skolah full tank) n lepas berbuka..Alhamdulillah, bekal masih ada utk si manja ni..
nak tau tak ape solution Mama utk boost milk supply????.....
nanti Mama upload k....
Sunday, August 16, 2009
R....for rabbit...
When i feel tired....
Ahh....Mama is taking my picture...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
::si mulat yang lasak::
moral of the story: Mama n Papa takkan tido ats katil la slagi Aqeel Haziq tido celah ketiak kami..hehehe...