Friday, July 31, 2009
::Manje demam::
Aqeel Haziq demam hari Selasa..Mama dh panik tgh mlm sbb Aqeel Haziq jarang demam..trus Papa bawa pegi klinik..sian dia..siang tu cikAwe kata dia baring pun senyap je...kalo tak mesti meragam nk suh org angkat dukung dia...Alhamdulillah dh sihat..walopun demam, minum susu mesti habisla..itu je yg Aqeel Haziq lalu minum..:) susu mama je..
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Aqeel Haziq nak pegi school bukan Mama la..hehehe..Mama ade camping pandu puteri so, Mama kna bwk Aqeel Haziq sbb Papa kena pegi ofis..arini Mama bwk bekal porridge utk Aqeel Haziq...
senang saje:
segenggam beras dibasuh bersih,
ikan bilis dibasuh,
rebus beras + ikan bilis
dh lembut, ambil bubur nasi saje kemudian dilenyek atau dikisar..tapis...
mesti baby suka makan...:)
senang saje:
segenggam beras dibasuh bersih,
ikan bilis dibasuh,
rebus beras + ikan bilis
dh lembut, ambil bubur nasi saje kemudian dilenyek atau dikisar..tapis...
mesti baby suka makan...:)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
::World Breastfeeding Month::
sempena bulan penyusuan susu ibu, Mama nk share skit info..Mama pergi SaraKids @ TTDI Jaya..buat ape? cari info skit camne nk increase milk supply..hasilnya, Mama beli ini..

beli di sarakids
assistant k.farah kata insyaAllah boleh bantu tambah susu..lps Mama minum dh masuk 2 mggu, susu Mama masih cukup utk bekal Aqeel Haziq setiap hari, cuma nk wat stok tu lmbt skit..stok pun tggl 12botol je..n minum susu soya ni memekatkan susu Mama n Aqeel Haziq nmpk lebih kenyang..:)
Papa pun slalu belikan Mama buah longan sbb mmg diketahui longan ni breastmilk booster..jd skrg, Mama perlu berdoa byk2 spy Allah beri kekuatan utk Mama teruskan menyusu ank Mama ni...:) lg beberapa minggu kita akn dpt diploma breastfeeding (cukup 6months)..:)

is he ready for solid food??? this is some info from Mr.Google..
Here are a few "signs" that may indicate your baby is ready for Solid Foods:
Loss of tongue-thrust reflex - This allows baby to drink and swallow liquids with ease; with the tongue-thrust reflex still present, baby may simply drink in liquid purees or push the food back out. According to Dr. Jim Sears, in the first four months the tongue thrust reflex protects the infant against choking. When any unusual substance is placed on the tongue, it automatically protrudes outward rather than back. Between four and six months this reflex gradually diminishes, giving the glob of cereal a fighting chance of making it from the tongue to the tummy
Ability to let you know she is full from a "meal" with signs such as turning away from the bottle or breast. This is important so that baby is able to self-regulate the amount of food being eaten. This helps stop baby from accidentally overeating as parents may continue to feed baby thinking that she is still hungry.
Ability to sit up and hold head up unassisted
Interest in your food (we tend to disagree with this one as when a baby reaches the age of 4-6 months, he is interested in putting everything in his mouth.)
Doubling of birth weight
Frequently waking in the middle of the night when a solid sleeping pattern had been established. This may not be the best indicator that your baby is ready for solids. Please keep in mind that a growth spurt will occur between 3-4 months of age, 6-7 months of age and also 9-10 months of age. Baby may also be waking due to an illness or teething.
officially, Mama has started weaning Aqeel Haziq..the first solid food for him is Apple Puree..:)
Here are a few "signs" that may indicate your baby is ready for Solid Foods:
Loss of tongue-thrust reflex - This allows baby to drink and swallow liquids with ease; with the tongue-thrust reflex still present, baby may simply drink in liquid purees or push the food back out. According to Dr. Jim Sears, in the first four months the tongue thrust reflex protects the infant against choking. When any unusual substance is placed on the tongue, it automatically protrudes outward rather than back. Between four and six months this reflex gradually diminishes, giving the glob of cereal a fighting chance of making it from the tongue to the tummy
Ability to let you know she is full from a "meal" with signs such as turning away from the bottle or breast. This is important so that baby is able to self-regulate the amount of food being eaten. This helps stop baby from accidentally overeating as parents may continue to feed baby thinking that she is still hungry.
Ability to sit up and hold head up unassisted
Interest in your food (we tend to disagree with this one as when a baby reaches the age of 4-6 months, he is interested in putting everything in his mouth.)
Doubling of birth weight
Frequently waking in the middle of the night when a solid sleeping pattern had been established. This may not be the best indicator that your baby is ready for solids. Please keep in mind that a growth spurt will occur between 3-4 months of age, 6-7 months of age and also 9-10 months of age. Baby may also be waking due to an illness or teething.
officially, Mama has started weaning Aqeel Haziq..the first solid food for him is Apple Puree..:)
it is easy as ABC..
i)peel n cut into slices
ii)boil until tender
iii)blend..add in the left over water from boiling for pureeing
iv)ready to serve
Friday, July 17, 2009
::production merudum lg::
saat bestfriend Mama menjengah (read:periood), production susu sgt merosot..huuhu...trpaksa curi frozen ebm utk cukupkan bekal haziq..huhu...anak Mama ni skrg mmg kuat minum.tiap hari bila Mama amik dr umah cikAwe, 4botol x 4oz tu pasti, Mama pun buat rujukan dgn tokguru; Kak Za dan juga Kak Nurul..nasihat tokGuru ialah;
i)jgn risau n stress
ii)keep on pumping n direct feed
iii)minumla susu byk2
kata mereka lg,insyaAllah nnt akn stabil balik slagi kite bf baby..;)
pd Papa yg penyayang juga, terima kasih diucapkan sbb sentiasa mendengar luahan rasa kerisauan Mama ni..:) he's superb..
i)jgn risau n stress
ii)keep on pumping n direct feed
iii)minumla susu byk2
kata mereka lg,insyaAllah nnt akn stabil balik slagi kite bf baby..;)
pd Papa yg penyayang juga, terima kasih diucapkan sbb sentiasa mendengar luahan rasa kerisauan Mama ni..:) he's superb..
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
::when he is 5::
hola little adorable hero hits 5months today!!.we'r HAPPY...alhamdulillah...Aqeel Haziq pagi2 lg dh bangun tau..pukul 4.30pg kejut Mama n Papa sembang2..owh' s too early la sayang...Mama list apa yg hero ni boleh buat:
1)sgt pandai main sekarang ni..giv him anything,and he can play with it eventhough his handkerchief.
2)suke sembang dgn papa n sebut 'habuuuu...habuuu'..
3)bile Mama lambat bg minum, dia jerit n babbling..'mamamamama'
4)boleh meniarap tp belum layak dpt degree menerap kut..hahaha...tak pndai lg kuarkn sblh tgn yg tersepit tu..
5)tido dlm carseat in a moving car mayb the most comfortable bed for him.
6)cepat merajuk kalo lambat mnyusu n terus takmo..jd kna tidokn dulu bout 20minutes br suakan susu pd dia yg tgh pejam mata tu.
7)sangat suka mandi
8)mesti nk kuar jln2 amik angin ptg dpn kwsn umah.jumpe jiran tetangga..
9)dr 6:30a.m. smpai 5p.m dia minum ebm 4btl x 4oz..oh dear,mama kna increase production ni..
10)dh brjalan ke Penang, Kedah, Melaka, Negeri 9, Pahang..n mestila Perak (blk kg Mama n Papa)
ape lg eik??nnt la update lg..:)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Assalamualaikum kawan2 Aqeel Haziq...Minggu lepas, Papa bawa Mama & Aqeel Haziq jalan-jalan...nak tau kat mana??? kat sini...
Kami bertolak dari Batang Kali sbb hari tu mama sedang berkursus LADAP. jd Papa & Aqeel Haziq ambil Mama pukul 2:30 dan terus gerak ke Cameron Highlands ikut Simpang Pulai..kami sampai pukul 6:00 petang..
Saya rasa sejukkk...sbb tu Mama pakaikan saya sweater warna Merah..
kemudian, Mama bawa saya mandi kolam air panas..yuhuuu..nyamannye rasa...
Bila badan dah segar, saya pun rasa ngantuk..jd saya pun tidur..Papa bawa buai on-the-go saya..jadi saya rasa sangat selesa...
Keesokkan harinya, kami pun mula jalan-jalan makan angin..checkout dari Hotel pukul 10pagi..
review: Hotel best, dekat dgn sumber makanan halal. boleh jalan kaki saje nk ke pekan Tanah Rata.
Papa&Mama bawa saya pergi BIG RED STRAWBERRY sangat..saya tengok sayur2 segar dan strawberry..Masa dalam perut dulu saya pun suka makan,,saya ke Mama saya yg suka makan eik???
Saya&Mama dapat sebakul strawberry??
Selepas itu, kami pun pergi ke....
iye....inilah Ladang TEH Boh...:) sejuk..suasana dan bau sungguh menyegarkan..bau daun teh...
Selepas menikmati pemandangan yg kehijauan itu, dan juga secawan teh segar, Papa&Mama pegi memborong strawberry di Kea Farm..:) dan,saya sangat seronok mendapat 'snow cap'...tengokla saya dh berlenggeng dalam kereta sebab baju saya basah asyik muak saje...;) Kami pun pulang tapi kali ni Papa ikut jalan Tapah..kami rehat, makan dan solat jamak Zuhur&Asar di R&R Tapah. tiba di rumah pukul 6petang...byebye Cameron Highlands...nanti saya datang lagi ye...
terima Kasih Papa sebab bawa Mama & Aqeel Haziq jalan-jalan makan angin..We all love u so much...
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