Assalamualaikum to all readers,
Maka dengan ini saya maklumkan blog ini akan dihapuskan atas sebab-sebab tertentu. CikCt telah pun menggabungkan blog ini dengan blog asal saya iaitu celahtingkap.
Blog ini akan dihapuskan secara rasmi bermula Jan 2012. :)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
::awat tak bleh post entry nih::
tensi makcik.type panjang2 pastu takbleh publish.tak tau pakai g-tab boleh plak.huhuhu.nnt try lg.
::Aqeel @ Aquaria,KLCC::

Hello....It's school holiday!!! Yeay....yg happy mestilah Aqeel Haziq..Setiap minggu dia akan berjalan saje..Mama Papa harus pastikan dia sentiasa sihat..makan buah banyak2, minum air dan makna ubat cepat2 kalo ada simptom demam n selsema..Ok, first week school holiday, Aqeel pergi Aquaria, KLCC...

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Sunday, November 13, 2011
::Aqeel n baju transformers::
Semalam ke Sogo. mencari baju transformers. Jenuh tawaf dept kanak2 tu. Baju tu dh tersorok jauh. Asalnya Aqeel nak baju bumble bee. Dia dh ada baju Optimus Prime tp bila sampai ke sana Aqeel rambang mata!!!!
Sekejap nak itu,kejap nak ini pastu dia ambil semua. Mama ni dahla kepenatan mengendong dia naik eskalator. Tak biasa pi sogo berdua je. Papa tak ikut.
Akhirnya, setelah pilih punya pilih, dapatla 2 pasang. Itupun lepas mama cakap yg Aqeel ada 2 tgn je kan jd boleh bawak 2 jelah. :)
So far, mama jumpa baju transformers ni di Sogo je. Dkt Jusco pun xdak. Dkt Sogo ada banyak baju2 tema kartun,movie. Tu yg best!! Cuma kami pun pegi sekali / 2 kali je setahun ke Sogo nih.:)
Sekejap nak itu,kejap nak ini pastu dia ambil semua. Mama ni dahla kepenatan mengendong dia naik eskalator. Tak biasa pi sogo berdua je. Papa tak ikut.
Akhirnya, setelah pilih punya pilih, dapatla 2 pasang. Itupun lepas mama cakap yg Aqeel ada 2 tgn je kan jd boleh bawak 2 jelah. :)
So far, mama jumpa baju transformers ni di Sogo je. Dkt Jusco pun xdak. Dkt Sogo ada banyak baju2 tema kartun,movie. Tu yg best!! Cuma kami pun pegi sekali / 2 kali je setahun ke Sogo nih.:)
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011
::Passport Aqeel::
Little Aqeel dh ada passport. Mama Papa bawa buat di Pejabat imigresen Kuala Kubu Bharu. Sejam dah siap. Tapi,jenuh jugak tunggu sejam lebih sepanjang proses hantar form n tunggu lagi.
Antara dokumen yg diperlukan ialah,
1. Borang permohonan lengkap
2. Salinan Surat beranak Aqeel
3. Salinan ic Mama
4. 2 kpg gambar saiz passport.
5. rm150 for 5 years (bwh 12 thn je ade diskaun)
Tak payah susah2 ke Shah Alam dah.
Antara dokumen yg diperlukan ialah,
1. Borang permohonan lengkap
2. Salinan Surat beranak Aqeel
3. Salinan ic Mama
4. 2 kpg gambar saiz passport.
5. rm150 for 5 years (bwh 12 thn je ade diskaun)
Tak payah susah2 ke Shah Alam dah.
posted from Bloggeroid
Thursday, November 3, 2011
::Aqeel n his books collection::

Just a few. Tak banyak sgt. What I want to highlight is how he takes care his books.
He never tears his book. He really loves them. A friend of mine asked us how we teach him to takes care the books. Actually, he learns from what he saw. How we arrange the books nicely, ask him to flip the pages carefully and we never tear any paper in front of him.
He's such a good boy and appreciates his books.
Mama will tell about his toys later.
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Thursday, October 27, 2011
::A glimpse on our family photobook; I like!!!!::
Our family photobook is ready.
I like it.
Tq to mr.Papa for his effort on arranging n uploading the pictures.
Tq to Groupon too.
This photobook worth 200+ but with Groupon we pay only 50+.
The photobook shop is located at Kota Kemuning. We have to self pick up the photobook. If you wish to use their service, just browse to their website.

I like it.
Tq to mr.Papa for his effort on arranging n uploading the pictures.
Tq to Groupon too.
This photobook worth 200+ but with Groupon we pay only 50+.
The photobook shop is located at Kota Kemuning. We have to self pick up the photobook. If you wish to use their service, just browse to their website.

posted from Bloggeroid
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
::Wanted!! Pencuri stroller::
Masa kami sedang membakar lemak2 tepu di One Utama, ternampak satu notis di baby shop MAMOURS. Kalau anda selalu jalan2 dkt OU mesti tahu Mamours tu kedai jual barang2 baby especially branded strollers.
Notis tu siap ada gambar lagi ye.
Terkejut kami baca. Pencuri tu husband and wife and of course seorang baby. Daripada gambar tu, masa mula2 si suami masuk, si isteri di luar tolak stroller sweet cherry design lama..Gaya deme laki bini mmg tak bleh blah. Kata suami cikCt gaya macam org kaya ye.
Kemudian, dah masuk dua-dua konon duk belek stroller yg display kt situ. Konon2 test drive la dgn ank kecik. Tup,tup si isteri beralih, tinggal la stroller sweet cherry td.
Ada tiga gambar dr cctv kt situ. Kejadian tu berlaku pd 25Sept2011. Baru sebulan ye. Yg herannya, Mamours ni bukan ramai sgt customer dtg.Kalo dtg pun ramai yg belek2 je banding yg membeli sbb mahal.
Macam mana salesgirl or cashier dia haritu tak perasan. Dan yg heran bin pelik lg takde ke alarm bunyi bila lalu kt pintu???Or stroller deme rembat tu takde price tag kut???
Yang nak cikct highligt di sini ialah,
apa pasal nak bergaya lebih kalo takde duit?
Sanggup mencuri sbb nak tunjuk lagak boleh pakai barang2 branded?
Esok anak jadi penipu,pencuri,perompak nak salahkan siapa?
Daripada gambar tu nampak mcm org kita.:(
Fikir-fikirkanlah ye.
Janganla jadi org yg hipokrit.
Notis tu siap ada gambar lagi ye.
Terkejut kami baca. Pencuri tu husband and wife and of course seorang baby. Daripada gambar tu, masa mula2 si suami masuk, si isteri di luar tolak stroller sweet cherry design lama..Gaya deme laki bini mmg tak bleh blah. Kata suami cikCt gaya macam org kaya ye.
Kemudian, dah masuk dua-dua konon duk belek stroller yg display kt situ. Konon2 test drive la dgn ank kecik. Tup,tup si isteri beralih, tinggal la stroller sweet cherry td.
Ada tiga gambar dr cctv kt situ. Kejadian tu berlaku pd 25Sept2011. Baru sebulan ye. Yg herannya, Mamours ni bukan ramai sgt customer dtg.Kalo dtg pun ramai yg belek2 je banding yg membeli sbb mahal.
Macam mana salesgirl or cashier dia haritu tak perasan. Dan yg heran bin pelik lg takde ke alarm bunyi bila lalu kt pintu???Or stroller deme rembat tu takde price tag kut???
Yang nak cikct highligt di sini ialah,
apa pasal nak bergaya lebih kalo takde duit?
Sanggup mencuri sbb nak tunjuk lagak boleh pakai barang2 branded?
Esok anak jadi penipu,pencuri,perompak nak salahkan siapa?
Daripada gambar tu nampak mcm org kita.:(
Fikir-fikirkanlah ye.
Janganla jadi org yg hipokrit.
posted from Bloggeroid
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
::The most favourite activity; main ayor::
Tell me, is there any baby who doesnt like to play water??
Takde kan. I bet all of them like to play water right. This is my toddler's activities with water. There is some time he doesnt want to take his shower but it's because the weather is cold. Otherwise, he likes to play water, blows bubbles and shoots the wall while taking his bath.

watering the plant

washing bicycle
Takde kan. I bet all of them like to play water right. This is my toddler's activities with water. There is some time he doesnt want to take his shower but it's because the weather is cold. Otherwise, he likes to play water, blows bubbles and shoots the wall while taking his bath.

watering the plant

washing bicycle
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Friday, October 21, 2011
::Merawat anak demam::
My little boy demam. huhuhu.dah lama tak demam sayang mama nih..slalu selsema atau batuk je. semalam papa pegi ofis dan balik semula nak bawak dia ke klinik tapiiiii dia takmau turun kereta pun..
adoila anak tunggal kami ni takut benor jumpa doktor. so,sampai dkt entrance dh melalak macam histeria, papa pun request ambil ubat je la.mujur klinik panel ok. Tapi, make sure klinik yg mmg ada rekod kita. Aqeel ada asthma so ubat batuk dia yg slalu doc prescribe ventolin or bisolvan. ubat selsema piriton.
selain daripada itu, mama urutkan badan dia dgn minyak mujarab ini.

ini ialah minyak habbatus sauda. mmg pure. beli di Mekah. Segala2 penyakit boleh dirawat insyaAllah. Kena yakin dan usaha. Alhamdulillah, minyak ni meredakan demam Aqeel. Takla terus baik tapi panas badan dia tak tinggi n masih dalam kawalan.
Sekarang ada yg dijual dipasaran Malaysia tapi bukan pure la. Dah dicampur minyak zaitun dan macam2 lagi. Tapi, minyak ni atau biji habbatus sauda mmg sgt bermanfaat.
adoila anak tunggal kami ni takut benor jumpa doktor. so,sampai dkt entrance dh melalak macam histeria, papa pun request ambil ubat je la.mujur klinik panel ok. Tapi, make sure klinik yg mmg ada rekod kita. Aqeel ada asthma so ubat batuk dia yg slalu doc prescribe ventolin or bisolvan. ubat selsema piriton.
selain daripada itu, mama urutkan badan dia dgn minyak mujarab ini.

ini ialah minyak habbatus sauda. mmg pure. beli di Mekah. Segala2 penyakit boleh dirawat insyaAllah. Kena yakin dan usaha. Alhamdulillah, minyak ni meredakan demam Aqeel. Takla terus baik tapi panas badan dia tak tinggi n masih dalam kawalan.
Sekarang ada yg dijual dipasaran Malaysia tapi bukan pure la. Dah dicampur minyak zaitun dan macam2 lagi. Tapi, minyak ni atau biji habbatus sauda mmg sgt bermanfaat.
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Papa has just uploaded our family photobook and we are now waiting for the product. I could say this photobook is specially for Aqeel Haziq..:)
This is our first time using service. Can't wait to get it..
This is our first time using service. Can't wait to get it..
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
::Berita harian please apologize to Human milk 4 Human babies::
HM4HB now is setting a petition and asking mommies to support them by signing the petition.
This is regarding last week issue and they want BH to write a new article on the main objective of HM4HB.
If u care, this is link code.
<a href="">Berita Harian, please apologize to Human Milk 4 Human Babies - Malaysia Petition | GoPetition</a>
This is regarding last week issue and they want BH to write a new article on the main objective of HM4HB.
If u care, this is link code.
<a href="">Berita Harian, please apologize to Human Milk 4 Human Babies - Malaysia Petition | GoPetition</a>
posted from Bloggeroid
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
::Tiada lagi perikemanusiaan::
To all readers,
tiada kata2 dapat diluahkan sebaik melihat Buletin Utama mlm td..berita pertama yg disiarkan mengenai hilangnya perikemanusiaan manusia2 di China.
Kesian sungguh budak berusia 2 tahun yg dilanggar 2 kenderaan..18 org yg lalu lalang hanya memandang, mengelak tanpa ada rasa kasihan sedikit pun. Menderita budak itu.. Meraung hampir pengsan ibunya setelah melihat anaknya terkulai di tepi jalan..
Dapat berita budak itu sudah pun meninggal dunia. Moga dia berehat dgn aman disana....
tiada kata2 dapat diluahkan sebaik melihat Buletin Utama mlm td..berita pertama yg disiarkan mengenai hilangnya perikemanusiaan manusia2 di China.
Kesian sungguh budak berusia 2 tahun yg dilanggar 2 kenderaan..18 org yg lalu lalang hanya memandang, mengelak tanpa ada rasa kasihan sedikit pun. Menderita budak itu.. Meraung hampir pengsan ibunya setelah melihat anaknya terkulai di tepi jalan..
Dapat berita budak itu sudah pun meninggal dunia. Moga dia berehat dgn aman disana....
::Transformers die hard fan::

This toddler really a fan of transformers..he watched the 3 sequel movies..sanggup ulang beratus kali..He memorizes all the characters' names;
Bumble Bee
Optimus Prime
Sam witwicky
kartun2 dkt Disney channel semua boo layan...kecuali upin ipin, boboi boy and satu katun cina Nihao Kailan...err....
Sunday, October 16, 2011
::2nd hairdo in 2011::

This is the 2nd hairdo in 2011. The 3rd time hairdo with mamak since he was born. tuuu dia. mama counts every times he goes to the barber. Actually this year not us who bring him to the barber. We asked his babysitter to take him. Sebab utama ialah, bila kami bawak mesti fail.huhuhu.

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::lebih baik berjaga dari tidur::
A perfect Sunday for Aqeel as mama papa are at home and we are not going anywhere. So, he chooses not to sleep even a minute because he doesnt want to miss the fun of playing every toys at home.
Now, he is so sleepy and cant walk properly. He opt to crawl around the house. hehehe. comel kan. suruh tido pun susah.
Now, he is so sleepy and cant walk properly. He opt to crawl around the house. hehehe. comel kan. suruh tido pun susah.
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::Tawar SusuIbu - Hot News::
Actually, yg hangatnya dh jd suam sbb news article ni keluar hari Jumaat dalam Ratu; akhbar sisipan Berita Harian. Kalau ada paper tu selaklah sebab saya kurang pasti kenapa tak boleh nak view online article. Alright, I just want to discuss the gist of news.
Antaranya, journalists highlight seolah-olah susu ibu diperdagangkan secara berleluasa di internet melalui satu saluran diberi nama Human Milk 4 Human Babies (HM4HB). Dagang means ada jual beli.
Tolongla google dulu cari apa itu HM4HB sebelum anda buat any judgement ok. Oh,nak lebih spesifik cari yg Malaysia ok. Saya terbaca few entries from another blog yg dah tersilap review this stu*** article. Malah comment daripada readers blog menunjukkan mereka pun tidak mengerti atau tahu siapa HM4HB. yang mereka faham daripada tajuk article ada org simply offer their breastmilk and siapa nak kena bayar. kemudian yg dirisaukan ialah connection antara anak dan ibu susuan tidak jelas.
Ok, from my reading, yg saya faham HM4HB ni ialah mcm hub bertujuan membantu ibu2 yg mencari anak susuan atau sebaliknya. Ibu2 ini akan memberi EXPRESSED BREAST MILK (EBM) bukannya EXTRA breastmilk seperti yg dinyatakan dlm article yg ditulis itu ye. ada byk sbb kenapa ibu2 offer BM tu dan selalunya sbb they have a lot of EBM dan terasa sedih dan sayang jika terpaksa dibuang. How about Islamic view. Di HM4HB Malaysia, perkara ini sudah dijelaskan dalam bhgn Frequently Asked Question. Tanggungjwab keluarga anak dan ibu susuan la pulak utk menjaga susur galur keturunan. Rasanya tak susah. Dengan kecangihan teknologi dunia tanpa sempadan, saya percaya takkan ada masalah utk keep in touch kan.
I believe there must be touching stories related to this, right.
Terdapat satu notes daripada HM4HB yg telah menjawab tentang isu artikel ini. It has been shared thru FB and few blogs too. Notes tersebut menjelaskan artikel ditulis tanpa rujukan sahih yg telah menyelewengkan tujuan asal HM4HB.
Terpulang kepada individu masing2 untuk keluarkan pendapat. Setiap perkara ada pros and cons. Tapi, make sure before you judge pleaseeeee do your homework. Kalao term mudah EBM dr expressed boleh pulak ditulis jd Extra, apa kes?!?!

Antaranya, journalists highlight seolah-olah susu ibu diperdagangkan secara berleluasa di internet melalui satu saluran diberi nama Human Milk 4 Human Babies (HM4HB). Dagang means ada jual beli.
Tolongla google dulu cari apa itu HM4HB sebelum anda buat any judgement ok. Oh,nak lebih spesifik cari yg Malaysia ok. Saya terbaca few entries from another blog yg dah tersilap review this stu*** article. Malah comment daripada readers blog menunjukkan mereka pun tidak mengerti atau tahu siapa HM4HB. yang mereka faham daripada tajuk article ada org simply offer their breastmilk and siapa nak kena bayar. kemudian yg dirisaukan ialah connection antara anak dan ibu susuan tidak jelas.
Ok, from my reading, yg saya faham HM4HB ni ialah mcm hub bertujuan membantu ibu2 yg mencari anak susuan atau sebaliknya. Ibu2 ini akan memberi EXPRESSED BREAST MILK (EBM) bukannya EXTRA breastmilk seperti yg dinyatakan dlm article yg ditulis itu ye. ada byk sbb kenapa ibu2 offer BM tu dan selalunya sbb they have a lot of EBM dan terasa sedih dan sayang jika terpaksa dibuang. How about Islamic view. Di HM4HB Malaysia, perkara ini sudah dijelaskan dalam bhgn Frequently Asked Question. Tanggungjwab keluarga anak dan ibu susuan la pulak utk menjaga susur galur keturunan. Rasanya tak susah. Dengan kecangihan teknologi dunia tanpa sempadan, saya percaya takkan ada masalah utk keep in touch kan.
I believe there must be touching stories related to this, right.
Terdapat satu notes daripada HM4HB yg telah menjawab tentang isu artikel ini. It has been shared thru FB and few blogs too. Notes tersebut menjelaskan artikel ditulis tanpa rujukan sahih yg telah menyelewengkan tujuan asal HM4HB.
Terpulang kepada individu masing2 untuk keluarkan pendapat. Setiap perkara ada pros and cons. Tapi, make sure before you judge pleaseeeee do your homework. Kalao term mudah EBM dr expressed boleh pulak ditulis jd Extra, apa kes?!?!

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Monday, October 10, 2011
::Goldbar investment::
Just want to share.
Ada duit lebih, belila goldbar.
Buat investment. So, nnt anak masuk U tak payah pinjam ptptn dh.
Harga emas mmg diketahui meningkat saje. High increment. Turun pun singgit dua. Time harga turun bolehla beli n tmbh lg.
Goldbar dari mana2 company pun takpe. Asalkan tahu, faham term n conds masa purchase. Ada byk pengeluar skrg. ALLIANCE GOLD, PUBLIC GOLD, POH KONG, KUWAIT dan macam2 lg. nak 10,20,50,100g pun ada. Terpulang kpd modal kita. Dah cukup haul, setahun, 5, 10 thn jual la.
Carila ejen yg anda percaya. Honest n trustworthy. Mudah utk purchase n sell later.
Ada duit lebih, belila goldbar.
Buat investment. So, nnt anak masuk U tak payah pinjam ptptn dh.
Harga emas mmg diketahui meningkat saje. High increment. Turun pun singgit dua. Time harga turun bolehla beli n tmbh lg.
Goldbar dari mana2 company pun takpe. Asalkan tahu, faham term n conds masa purchase. Ada byk pengeluar skrg. ALLIANCE GOLD, PUBLIC GOLD, POH KONG, KUWAIT dan macam2 lg. nak 10,20,50,100g pun ada. Terpulang kpd modal kita. Dah cukup haul, setahun, 5, 10 thn jual la.
Carila ejen yg anda percaya. Honest n trustworthy. Mudah utk purchase n sell later.
posted from Bloggeroid
::Language Acquisition::
Hi readers,
Today mama wanna share about language acquisition. As our mother tongue is Bhs.Melayu (BM), so, Aqeel's first language (L1) is definitely BM. Now, at 2years n 8months, he can speak clearly even though he still use some terms in baby talk. It still can be understood.
Mama n papa use both BM n English at home. So, Aqeel's L2 is English..usually, we choose English words to replace the words which have more than two syllables in BM. The reason is, it is more easier to pronounce. For example, the word 'tunnel' is used to replace 'terowong'. 'train' for 'keretapi', 'plane' for 'kapal terbang'. However, we keep mentioning the meaning of words in BM so he will learn and absorb both language. I
Owh, I really envy if I met with baby who has English as L1. Hahahaha. Please bear in mind that I'm English teacher so I should have this thought.
How do we expose him to the language? Mama bought him a lot of English books. Then, he learns and listens from internet. I plan to send him to English+Islamic medium school. But, in the mean time hope that he can learn mandarin as well. I target he can acquire three languages at young age. Woaahhh, mommy has become very optimist.
Alright, will share about choices of school in our neighbourhood later.
Today mama wanna share about language acquisition. As our mother tongue is Bhs.Melayu (BM), so, Aqeel's first language (L1) is definitely BM. Now, at 2years n 8months, he can speak clearly even though he still use some terms in baby talk. It still can be understood.
Mama n papa use both BM n English at home. So, Aqeel's L2 is English..usually, we choose English words to replace the words which have more than two syllables in BM. The reason is, it is more easier to pronounce. For example, the word 'tunnel' is used to replace 'terowong'. 'train' for 'keretapi', 'plane' for 'kapal terbang'. However, we keep mentioning the meaning of words in BM so he will learn and absorb both language. I
Owh, I really envy if I met with baby who has English as L1. Hahahaha. Please bear in mind that I'm English teacher so I should have this thought.
How do we expose him to the language? Mama bought him a lot of English books. Then, he learns and listens from internet. I plan to send him to English+Islamic medium school. But, in the mean time hope that he can learn mandarin as well. I target he can acquire three languages at young age. Woaahhh, mommy has become very optimist.
Alright, will share about choices of school in our neighbourhood later.
posted from Bloggeroid
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
::mengamuk aje::
Pagi td Aqeel bgn awal sblm papa ke pfis. Apa lagi,berdrama la dia. Nak ikut papa pulak. Huhu. Letih Mama memujuk last-last upah main ayor dkt luar. Habis basah baju seluar dia. Tapi takpela,asal dia senyap udah. Mama tak larat nak tengok, nak dengar dia 'meloktang' (mean:mengamuk)
Anak org lain dh jd abang pun Aqeel tp deme tu x meloktang ke eik? Teringin jgk mama nk tgk anak org lain yg mcm kamu.hahahah. Ada ke? Kalo de adik kecik dh bijak la kut. Tp kalo mcm Aqeel jgk, huh mau slim melim mak nnt.
Anak org lain dh jd abang pun Aqeel tp deme tu x meloktang ke eik? Teringin jgk mama nk tgk anak org lain yg mcm kamu.hahahah. Ada ke? Kalo de adik kecik dh bijak la kut. Tp kalo mcm Aqeel jgk, huh mau slim melim mak nnt.
posted from Bloggeroid
Monday, October 3, 2011
::his favourite::
Aqeel blum jemu dgn transformers lg.. Serba serbi nk transfomer. Dia dh beralih dr Thomas n frens. Dia hafal semua nama character transformers. Yg dia plg minat tentula optimus prime n bumble bee. Tp masih tak lupa bc buku. baca abc,alifbata.
Semalam pegi sogo pun sonok dpt beli baju n ball. Tak taula bila dia nk jemu.haila anak.

Semalam pegi sogo pun sonok dpt beli baju n ball. Tak taula bila dia nk jemu.haila anak.

posted from Bloggeroid
Sunday, October 2, 2011
::susuibu ubat sakit mata::
Aqeel Haziq sakit mata. Tp nak kata merah sgt pn tidak. Ptg smlm nmpak berair tp merah dah ilang. Rahsianya, susu ibu yg penuh khasiat.dgn izn Allah, susu ibu ubat mujarab buat sakit mata. Pg2 sblm Aqeel bangun mama titiskn setitik dlm mata dia.kena buat time dia tidur la kalo jaga bertuahla nk dpt belek mata dia. Mama doakan cepat sembuh ye Aqeel.aminnn.
P/s rasa bersyukur ade susuibu lg utk kes2 emergency mcm ni.
P/s rasa bersyukur ade susuibu lg utk kes2 emergency mcm ni.
Friday, September 30, 2011
::Potty Training::
I think...I know that I should start train him now.He's nearly 3.He can talk clearly now but one thing he never says is I want to wee wee.However, if he is doing his 'business', he will tell us after finish doing it.If I interrupt by asking what are you doing,come n lets go to the toilet he will get so angry. I'v tried once during school holiday.I brought him to the toilet every half an hour but at the time he was in toilet he didnt pass anything.n when we were about to wear diapers he wee wee on the floor.huarghhh..I should start it on this coming school holiday.or maybe start finding training pants for this little boy.any suggestions mums?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
::semangat btul budak nih::
Malam tadi,kami balik dari open house lebih kurang pukul 11 mlm. Lalu depan kedai makan,Aqeel ajak papa makan pulak.Dia kata nak makan roti canai di kedai.aiyooo. Padahal di open house dia mkn nasi lemak banyak plak tu. Semangat btol selera makan dia skrg. Badan pun sgt mantap. Bila mama dukung, baru jln beberapa meter pun sempuuuuuuttttt. Huhuhu. Rasanya dh 15 kg lebih ni. Takpela, Aqeel.asalkan Aqeel sihat walafiat. Kegemaran Aqeel skrg mmg mkn nasi. Pagi, petang, malam makan nasi aje. Makan burger pun pandai. Tp mama bg sekali sekala je.time2 terdesak kelaparan kalo pi berjalan2. Okla berselera.tak gaduh mama nk bg supplement lg.
Psst, dia masih minum susuibu. 2thn 7bln. Dikala cuaca tak menentu,jerebu,org ramai selsema tmasuk kami di rumah,Alhamdulillah, Aqeel is very strong. Dia pun selsema tp tidak melarat. Yg plg mama risau kalo dia sakit perut atau terkena diarrhea. Maklum mkn macam2 la ni. Tp Alhamdulillah,khasiat susuibu tu tiada tandingan.Allah dh ciptakan yg terbaik utk anak kita. Walopun, mama xterkecuali menerima pendapat tidak masuk akal dr ibu beranak kecil yg tidak mahu menyusukan anak lebih 2tahun sbb katanya susuibu lebih 2 thn tu dari air mani ibu.NONSENSE! Dan lagi, katanya ank lebih 2 thn yg masih menyusu itu merangsang sentuhan seks. KARUT! Mama tak langsung terima apa yg dia kata. Kesian dia sbb dia punya 2 anak kecil yg sering sakit2 hingga masuk hospital. Tapi kurang kesedaran. Takpala, Mama doakan supaya terbuka hati dia utk cari lagi maklumat sahih dan tepat mengenai susuibu.
sekian! Mood ibu yg sedikit bengang.
Psst, dia masih minum susuibu. 2thn 7bln. Dikala cuaca tak menentu,jerebu,org ramai selsema tmasuk kami di rumah,Alhamdulillah, Aqeel is very strong. Dia pun selsema tp tidak melarat. Yg plg mama risau kalo dia sakit perut atau terkena diarrhea. Maklum mkn macam2 la ni. Tp Alhamdulillah,khasiat susuibu tu tiada tandingan.Allah dh ciptakan yg terbaik utk anak kita. Walopun, mama xterkecuali menerima pendapat tidak masuk akal dr ibu beranak kecil yg tidak mahu menyusukan anak lebih 2tahun sbb katanya susuibu lebih 2 thn tu dari air mani ibu.NONSENSE! Dan lagi, katanya ank lebih 2 thn yg masih menyusu itu merangsang sentuhan seks. KARUT! Mama tak langsung terima apa yg dia kata. Kesian dia sbb dia punya 2 anak kecil yg sering sakit2 hingga masuk hospital. Tapi kurang kesedaran. Takpala, Mama doakan supaya terbuka hati dia utk cari lagi maklumat sahih dan tepat mengenai susuibu.
sekian! Mood ibu yg sedikit bengang.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
::Bila nak pergi school?::
Everyday, Aqeel shows his tantrum when Mama says, lets ready your bag.we're going to ur Mama Awe's house n I have to go to school. Then,he starts his drama. Terguling,tergolek,menjerit,melalak n seumpamanya.
AQEEL will say, " I wanna go to school too!! I want to go through the tunnel!"
Hehe. . . He said jln bwh jambatan keretapi is the tunnel.whatever la Aqeel.but everytime when we pass by the tunnel,he would be soooo happy. Alright,back to the school story. I wonder when i can send him to the school. I wnt him to learn how to b friend with others. He is big enough n i know he is ready to play n learn. He knows ABC, count 123, alif ba ta.he can easily memorizing the words n read after me. Everything bout learning is okay but when come to the part to socialize with others, Aqeel is sooooo difficult. He is not friendly at all. He likes to play with big sister n brother rather than play with friends of the same age. Hopefully,when he turns three, i can send him to school.InsyaAllah.
AQEEL will say, " I wanna go to school too!! I want to go through the tunnel!"
Hehe. . . He said jln bwh jambatan keretapi is the tunnel.whatever la Aqeel.but everytime when we pass by the tunnel,he would be soooo happy. Alright,back to the school story. I wonder when i can send him to the school. I wnt him to learn how to b friend with others. He is big enough n i know he is ready to play n learn. He knows ABC, count 123, alif ba ta.he can easily memorizing the words n read after me. Everything bout learning is okay but when come to the part to socialize with others, Aqeel is sooooo difficult. He is not friendly at all. He likes to play with big sister n brother rather than play with friends of the same age. Hopefully,when he turns three, i can send him to school.InsyaAllah.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
::His favourite::
Makin besar makin panjang akal...itu suka ini tak suka...mama list down apa yg menjadi favourite Aqeel Haziq dikala ini..
1. Thomas train - tak kira la toys, clothes, any stuffs, youtube on trainsformers.
2. Bob the builder - the cartoon, semua jenis vehiclee yg bob ade secially lori simen..
3. laptop - samada main game, tgk youtube, blaja ABC, alifBaTa
4.bela ikan - sangat2 sayang...
will cont later..
1. Thomas train - tak kira la toys, clothes, any stuffs, youtube on trainsformers.
2. Bob the builder - the cartoon, semua jenis vehiclee yg bob ade secially lori simen..
3. laptop - samada main game, tgk youtube, blaja ABC, alifBaTa
4.bela ikan - sangat2 sayang...
will cont later..
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
::mama,ambil la hati saya::
lately,ank teruna kami clingy amat dgn papa.everything is papa lak.means dia nk papa pulak yg buat.jeles mama papa kata mama knala amik hati dia,main2 dgn dia.hmm,tak taula mcm mane lg nk dilayan sbb mama rs time papa p ofis pg,mama akn bdua je dgn dia,layan dia sesaja.kalo org tgk senang je mama jg ank sbb semua papa yg buat.dr cuci montot,mandi,makan,minum,bncuh susu,main,nk tido semua papa.dulu time susu cari mama tp dh wean off x heran ler.or maybe papa slalu bwk dia ke tempat kegemaran dia.Tesco,Grand Union,n semua la kedai2 yg dia suka.em,mama kna ambil hati dia ler.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
::No. 2???::
Aqeel mmg dh kdg2 masih baby lagi...yg mama papa tak tahan, eksyen macam big boy tapi bila pi klinik check-up mengalahkan pun leh timbang steady tp aqeel???? dengan papa sekali kena naik ats penimbang.sudahnya misi tolak la berat papa baru dpt ukuran berat dia..12.4kg..tinggi??camno nak ukur, kalo nak berdiri ats penimbang tu dia takmo..ih..ish...
bila mama tanya, Aqeel nak adik tak?
Aqeel jwb, "ish, tanak!!"
belum ada rezeki kami nak dpt yg kedua.Allah lebih Mengetahui.kami cuma berusaha..itu je yg mampu mama cakap utk pujuk diri sendiri.kawan2 aqeel semua dh beradik..apapun, Mama bersyukur sebab ada seorang penghibur hati,harus bersyukur..Allah beri kami rezeki di awal perkahwinan, sekarang Allah uji dengan sedikit ujian..kami tidak pernah merancang sebab percaya rancangan Allah mesti lagi baik...
masa kita baru kahwin, mmg nak sgt dikurniakan zuriat secepat mungin..dan Allah Maha Mendengar..Allah kabulkan permintaan kami..bila dh dpt, mintak lagi dr Allah supaya kurniakan zuriat yg sihat, sempurna..Alhamdulillah, Allah kurniakan zuriat yg sempurna, comel, bijak...
sebenarnya, keinginan terdorong daripada persekitaran..dikelilingi dgn mak2 buyung, baby2 yg cute miut..haishhh..kemudian, disogok dgn soalan dan kata2,
'bila nak tambah lagi?'
'Aqeel ni dh kena ada adik'
'Aqeel dh besar ni'
'mana cukup satu je'
tambah stress!!!
Haish,,,Mama!!!! Bersukurlah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yakin rezeki Allah pasti datang bila tiba masanya...
bila mama tanya, Aqeel nak adik tak?
Aqeel jwb, "ish, tanak!!"
belum ada rezeki kami nak dpt yg kedua.Allah lebih Mengetahui.kami cuma berusaha..itu je yg mampu mama cakap utk pujuk diri sendiri.kawan2 aqeel semua dh beradik..apapun, Mama bersyukur sebab ada seorang penghibur hati,harus bersyukur..Allah beri kami rezeki di awal perkahwinan, sekarang Allah uji dengan sedikit ujian..kami tidak pernah merancang sebab percaya rancangan Allah mesti lagi baik...
masa kita baru kahwin, mmg nak sgt dikurniakan zuriat secepat mungin..dan Allah Maha Mendengar..Allah kabulkan permintaan kami..bila dh dpt, mintak lagi dr Allah supaya kurniakan zuriat yg sihat, sempurna..Alhamdulillah, Allah kurniakan zuriat yg sempurna, comel, bijak...
sebenarnya, keinginan terdorong daripada persekitaran..dikelilingi dgn mak2 buyung, baby2 yg cute miut..haishhh..kemudian, disogok dgn soalan dan kata2,
'bila nak tambah lagi?'
'Aqeel ni dh kena ada adik'
'Aqeel dh besar ni'
'mana cukup satu je'
tambah stress!!!
Haish,,,Mama!!!! Bersukurlah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yakin rezeki Allah pasti datang bila tiba masanya...
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
::list of mistakes::
We went to Zoo Taiping on Sunday,5th June...Unfortunately, it was raining...drizzling at first then quite heavy which forced us to find a shelter.On the-not-moving train for about one hour, hubby and I list down several mistakes which we had done on that day....
1. as we alighting from the car, it was hot sunny day...and we didn't bring Aqeel's hat as usual..(left at our homesweethome)..
2. while in the queue to buy zoo ticket, Papa suddenly realized that we've discount card to buy zoo ticket.It's a privilege card for Nuri Club member.However, it was left in the car.So, papa had to go to the car and got the card.(dhle queue panjang)..
3. Mama went to buy some food but forgot to buy roti for lil Aqeel..Aqeel was not in the mood of eating.He lost his appetite due to cough n he was tired.
4. It was slight drizzle as we enter the zoo but we didnt put any effort to take our umbrella in the car.(yakin ujan kejap je)
5. We chose to walk rather than board on the free tram..I said, it's good to walk n exercise..huhuhu...(dh ujan, apa pun tak boleh)
6. the big mistake was, kenapala pilih pegi zoo..patutnya pegi tepeng sentral cukupla....huhuhu....
We have to accept everything..redha...We plan but Allah's plan the best for us......
1. as we alighting from the car, it was hot sunny day...and we didn't bring Aqeel's hat as usual..(left at our homesweethome)..
2. while in the queue to buy zoo ticket, Papa suddenly realized that we've discount card to buy zoo ticket.It's a privilege card for Nuri Club member.However, it was left in the car.So, papa had to go to the car and got the card.(dhle queue panjang)..
3. Mama went to buy some food but forgot to buy roti for lil Aqeel..Aqeel was not in the mood of eating.He lost his appetite due to cough n he was tired.
4. It was slight drizzle as we enter the zoo but we didnt put any effort to take our umbrella in the car.(yakin ujan kejap je)
5. We chose to walk rather than board on the free tram..I said, it's good to walk n exercise..huhuhu...(dh ujan, apa pun tak boleh)
6. the big mistake was, kenapala pilih pegi zoo..patutnya pegi tepeng sentral cukupla....huhuhu....
We have to accept everything..redha...We plan but Allah's plan the best for us......
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
::Our baby khalifah;Aqeel Haziq::
we've started his lesson using Baby Khalifah learning series.There are 6 workbooks and CDs on different topics;
1)myfirst IQRA'
2)myfirst Kalimah
3)myfirst Solat
4)myfirst Adab
5)myfirst Family
6)myfirst Arabic
So far, we've introduced on mfIqra',Kalimah and Solat.he's so excited when we show the CD.He likes interactive learning.(suke main laptop).
The pictures, sound, words are very clear..Aqeel can easily understand and grab the words..However, Aisyah (a character in the Cd) talks a lot in her introduction for each lesson and we cant skip to hear that.Aqeel likes to replay to listen the letter/kalimah.When Aisyah talks a lot, he feels distracted becoz he wants to listen to the letter/kalimah quickly.Anyway, this CD is very useful indeed...and it helps us a lot to teach him anytime despite of limited time during weekdays.Usually,we started his informal lesson early in the morning or at night...
for ABC learning, we found an interactive site which is good for him..if u google for learning site, u may find thousands of them.but to choose the most suitable is not easy.Aqeel is a fast learner.He learns to use mouse,how to click, then we introduce him to this site(click to learn more).so, the interactive learning works.
Alright,till then I hope this entry gives something for you to learn.
1)myfirst IQRA'
2)myfirst Kalimah
3)myfirst Solat
4)myfirst Adab
5)myfirst Family
6)myfirst Arabic
So far, we've introduced on mfIqra',Kalimah and Solat.he's so excited when we show the CD.He likes interactive learning.(suke main laptop).
The pictures, sound, words are very clear..Aqeel can easily understand and grab the words..However, Aisyah (a character in the Cd) talks a lot in her introduction for each lesson and we cant skip to hear that.Aqeel likes to replay to listen the letter/kalimah.When Aisyah talks a lot, he feels distracted becoz he wants to listen to the letter/kalimah quickly.Anyway, this CD is very useful indeed...and it helps us a lot to teach him anytime despite of limited time during weekdays.Usually,we started his informal lesson early in the morning or at night...
for ABC learning, we found an interactive site which is good for him..if u google for learning site, u may find thousands of them.but to choose the most suitable is not easy.Aqeel is a fast learner.He learns to use mouse,how to click, then we introduce him to this site(click to learn more).so, the interactive learning works.
Alright,till then I hope this entry gives something for you to learn.
Friday, May 20, 2011
::Baby Khalifah Learning Series::

We're now move towards early education..not too late to start. for Stay at Home Mom (SAHM), Work at Home Mom (WAHM), Fulltime at Home Mom (FAHM), THEY ARE SO LUCKY..yes,indeed....they have a lot of time with little kiddos to play,learn and I wish I cud be them..but who gonna pay my PTPTN loan..grrr....
i'v been searching for Islamic learning series..and on a very fine day, I found this..
i'v googling to find any testimonial from parents, but found nothing..Y?Is this product new or parents who bought did not practise it at home..
kalo ade sesape yg pakai n practise at home with little kiddos pls share with me..
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
::Early education for him::
As an educator, I wish to teach my baby so I hope he can read, write,count at early age.
We (Hubby & I) teach him to love books. I dont mind spending a lot on his books..However, I admit that I have problem to practice several approaches to teach him.My worst is the time constraint..By the time I reach home, after dinner, I am already tired..My energy level goes down and I cant focus on what I want to do with him.I wish he can read by 2years and 5months old.
I tried searching for early education info since he was in my tummy. I want to put him into weekend playgroup when he was 6mos however I never had the chance to do it. The main target is I want to teach him how to make friend or in other words 'pandai bersosial'.. Dh byk kali ajak papa tp papa mcm refuse to go.So, end up,I kept my mouth shut.
Now, he is 2 years and 3mos. His major problem is he refuse to make new friends.He doesnt know how to interact with new friendss until the new friends come approach him.He refuse to share his toys.He is rather shy and afraid to enter other people's home.It really makes us disappointed.Malu tau...when he got cranky and doesnt go into mama or papa's friends' house, relatives or whoever, we have to entertain him first.It will take a long time until he feels comfortable.and that will distract our communication with others..Mana boleh sembang lama2 kalo duk merengek aje.
However, he can behave himself when we are in the restaurant.I like it..;) or when we are having dinner with friends.Good boy son!!
Talking about early education, I stumbled upon Little Reader on Brillkids website recently. In addition, I found this local site that support early education plus she uses the Little Reader curriculum to teach her dotters.This is her site Baby Genius on Board.
How do I know? I got a pamphlet during Mom n Baby expo at MV however I didnt care to read bout it until I got attracted to read it again after I had put it in the dustbin.(dh ronyok2 baru teringat nk baca). And suddenly, on the very fine day, a friend of mine came to house and talking bout the same things.What a coincidence!!!
and now, I am already a member of Brillkids.Found out that they give us free trial on Little Reader.We can download some of the materials too.They have Little Math and it really attracts me.Hopefully, Aqeel feels the same.
So, here are my wish.hopefully, (read by my dearly hubby)..I cant do it alone..
1.To join the playgroup in Puchong
2.Teach Aqeel using the LR approach
3.Have a set of LR and LM
4.Have ample time to teach him.(Take turn with papa of course)
Whatever for you dear son because you are the only son in our world.
Thursday, May 12, 2011

anak Papa yg sorang nih menggegarkan suasana pagi nan indah permai di umah...nak ikut papa,nak ikut papa....dia bangun awal pukul 5 pg..minum susu terus segar..kemudian, nampak papa bersiap dia dh mula got cranky..sbb papa pakai jeans n t-shirt..he knew that papa is not going to office like that...papa bawak pusing seround siap pegi beli roti tp bila masuk je dlm rumah, dia menjerit tak ingat dunia...smpaila menangis teresak2.
dan akhirnya tenang slps mama offer bf..huhuhu...pandai ye nak...trus trtido...
Monday, May 9, 2011
::susu DutchLady pun ok::
Aqeel sekarang minum susu DutchLady..selepas Pediasure yg mahal dimana setin 900gm berharga rm66 (harga murah ditawarkan di sstgh kedai ubat), dan bilamana Aqeel menghabiskan setin dlm tempoh 14 hari, jadi mamapapa decide kite beralih ke susu murah sikit..1kg lebih berharga rm19 bila ada offer..
khasiat susu tu masih sama..lagipun Aqeel dh pandai makan macam2..dulu kita pilih Pediasure sbb Aqeel kurang makan..mamapapa risau dia tak cukup zat.mmg minum Pediasure ni menaikkan selera makan budak2.walopun Aqeel nmpk je kurus tp badan dia mantap..kalo dukung siapla..sakit bahu2 mama ni...lagipun masa tu Aqeel masih tegar minum susuibu..jadi nak habiskan setin ambil masa 2bulan.
Alhamdulillah, walopun susu ni susu lembu, Aqeel takla menggaru sangat..sikit2 eczema tu mmg ada tp mild saje.
percubaan pertama kami kurang berjaya..kaler sama iaitu mama pilih coklat tp flavour mmg lain dh byk kali cuba jaya (ada ketika membazir je kena buang dan kdg2 mama yg minum) akhirnya Aqeel pun terima..
nak tukar susu ni bukan mudah sebenarnya..selain daripada rasa, mama juga cek stool Aqeel lps cnsume susu ni. memula Aqeel ada sembelit tp dh lama2 ok cuma mama kena bg dia mkn buah atau minum nutrigen utk elakkan sembelit..
Saturday, April 23, 2011
::how to handle this 2 years toddler::
anak saya baru 2 tahun 2bulan..kami rasa Aqeel Haziq macam dh bila dia meragam hadoi....mmg macm baby semula..yg jd masalah ialah mama cepat sgt stress bila dgr dia melalak..i cant handle him and i cant control myself..bila runsing dgr dia nangis, saya stress..mmg sepatutnya saya sabar,sabar dan sabar tp mungkin time di sekolah saya dh cukup runsing bila student yg 40 org sekelas tu tak dgr ckp, tambah balik rumah dgn si manja meragam, tu yg tak boleh nk kawal...kesian aqeel..
antara waktu Aqeel meragam ialah;
1) time bangun tidur..
mesti nak nangis..bukanlah selalu tp kdg2 heran jugak mama..sepatutnya dia dh cukup tidur,bangun pun mesti ceria la kan...
2) time nk tidur...
minggu ni mmg plg mencabar..dia resist tidur dgn papa dlm bilik kami tp dia nk tidur bilik mak tok...i realized something...he misses his, mama la temankan dia tidur bilik mak tok.
3)tak nk pegi umah babysitter dgn macam2 alasan...
dia tak nak pegi dgn alasan dia nak main itu,ini kt mama mmg tension la..sbb kite mmg tak sampai hati nk tinggalkan dia, bila dia berdrama king camni lagila mama susah hati..
4) nak kena iku cakap dia saje...
kalo dia kata nak pegi shop, siapla...kalo tak pegi mengamuk saje..mana tahan...atau dia nak main air lama2 ms mandi sedangkn mama mengejar masa nak ke sekolah...
ke budak2 lain pun macam ni jgk???atau anak saya terlebih manja??? org kata dia nak ber adik la tu..
kalo lah adik tu boleh dpt senang cam cucuk duit k ATM, keluar duit, mudah kan..belum rezeki kami nak tambah anak jd Aqeel pun belum boleh jd abang...jadi yg sorang ni la kami manjakan...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
::satu malam tanpa bf::
::kisah malam semalam::
malam td, Aqeel tido tak terjaga2..maknanya tak bangun selak baju mama...ajaib sebelum dia tido macam2 hal dia buat..
sebelum naik atas, mama tanya dia nak susu tak, tapi dia tak jawab..dia buat tak tahu aje..then, papa suruh mama bawak je termos n botol ke atas..dah macam nk pegi picnic plak ma rasa..mama pun malas nak turun bawah memalam buta..
bila dia baring dia minta nak tengok upinipin dkt handset papa..suruh mama garu sana sini...bila kita stop garu je, 'mama, atai ni'..tunjuk tempat gatai...selalunya, mama bebel dkt dia..'ooo,pegi tesco ke giant ke takde plak gatai2 sana sini ye'...
mama papa pulak dh ngantuk sgt, dalam duk menggaru dia terus tertido..dlm setengah jam mama terjaga..tengok2 dia dah buat kerja dh..tau apa yg dia buat...haish geram botoi..dia main tuang2 air botol yg mama bawak ke atas...basahla tilam tu...mama pun tegur dia terus berenti main, buat2 tak bersalah..
mama bancuh susu terus Aqeel minum sampai licin dan dia pun tido sampai pagi....
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